Friday, February 1, 2008

Punxsutawney Phil

Driving in to work this morning, we realized it's the first of February and tomorrow is Grounhog Day. The weatherman (the human one) predicts 15-30 cm of snow today. This snow event started at midnight and is expected to continue throughout the day until midnight.

We spent some time in near Dubois, (Canadians by the way should pronounce this "doo-boys", the French "du- bwa") Pennsylvania last May. Punxsutawney is nearby. We had breakfast in town, then walked and drove around looking for the various Punxsutawney Phil statues located at various places around town.

This one is the bellhop version, just outside the hotel. The groundhogs are imaginatively decorated by local and regional artists, making each a unique work of art. For a complete catalog visit the Phantastic Phils.
Of course this one is extra important in that there is a lovely live person next to the statue.

Now, let's see if tomorrow brings sun, cloud or snow- early spring or more winter??? For lawn people an early spring is a bonus.

See Turf King Hamilton for more about lawns.

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Empty Containers & Pita Bread

A few years ago, we were in San Juan Capistrano ago visiting an classmate from Kingsway College Days. While there, Saleem and Phyllis took us to visit the monastery where the swallow return each year. Saleem, a mathematician is originally from Egypt. Phyllis had learned how to make pita bread, and we spent one evening helping and learning. When the dough is placed in the oven, it puffs up like a giant ball. Today, while warming a tortilla in our toaster oven, it also puffed up (although not to a globe-the toaster didn’t have that much room.) Wonder if these breads, or bread-making are similar.

One of the greatest accomplishments in life is the completion of a project, be it big or small. And when it is something that has not progressed for a while.

So for breakfast, a toasted tortilla with the last of the Red Pepper and Peach Chutney that Darrel and Karen brought us from the Horseshoe Valley Trading Company in Craighurst, Ontario. (Ingredients: Sweet and Hot Red Peppers, Peaches, Sugar, Vinegar, Lemon, Ginger, Spices.)

Tastes great and the feeling of accomplishment- the emptying of a container in the fridge.