Took a quick walk around the yard this am. Just a few shots of the spring blooms that are showing colour right now.
The first one is the Fragrant snowball. The buds are pinkish, they open to white- but o-o-h how the fragrance fills the air. Not quite at the fragrant stage yet.
Another fragrant bush is the Burkwoodi Daphne. Rosemary's mothers name was Daphne. This daphne has pink flowers and variegated foliage. It is more upright than the regular daphne. Its stems, however, are somewhat brittle and crack easily.
The Carpet Phlox along the driveway is in full colour now. I have white and blue, would like to get a pink variety sometime. Last year I split the blue plant and moved it to another part of the garden. That one gets a little more sun and hits bull bloom a few days earlier.
This yellow Euphorbia plant is one that we used to have at the old "homestead" when I was growing up in Greensville. Here I have to be careful or it will seed itself all over the place. I don't know what my dad did back then, I only remember one specimen in the side yard. Now, I cut the flowers off when they finish to prevent too many seeds.
Forget me nots, while a beautiful blue colour will definitely seed themselves all over the garden if you let them. I keep pulling them out if they get into the wrong part of the garden. I try to keep them in a small area, otherwise they will take over the whole bed/garden. They also seed themselves like crazy. This photo is actually in Rosemary's dad part of the garden.
The redbud is past its peak. (see a photo on Silent Conversation)
Also blooming now are the apple trees- (they really need to be pruned), Primroses, bergenia and spirea prunifolia.