Saturday, June 20, 2009

Spinach Leaf Miner Control

A couple of weeks ago, when we picked an early crop of spinach, we found small white eggs on the back of the leaves. Yes, we were able to wash them off, but, what could be done to prevent damage.

We put a Neem oil spray on the leaves. This kept 90% of the leaves free from leaf miner damage. Same bug also attacks our Swiss Chard.

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Potato in Straw

Ken, good friend of mine grows potatoes under straw. So this year, I saw some seed potatoes at the garden centre and thought, why not?

Bought 10 lb of seed potatoes. Certified. Norland is a
red Potato. Put the potatoes in some egg cartons to let them get started sprouting. Then cut them up and planted them.

Then got some straw from the farmer across the road who takes hay off of our field and piled it on.
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